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What is the PCT?

The Pacific Crest Trail is a trail that runs from Mexico to Canada parallel to the the U.S Pacific Coast

Officially named the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail, the PCT is a 2,600 mile long distance hiking and equestrian trail. 


The PCT is divided up into 29 sections of manageable length, however, a selection of people each year will attempt a thru-hike. A thru-hike is to hike an established end-to-end hiking trail or long-distance trail with continuous footsteps in one direction.


This is what I'll be doing, a northbound thru-hike of the PCT, which means I'll be starting in Mexico and finishing in Canada. I'll go through three US states on the way, California, Oregon and Washington and it will take me a whopping 5 months!


If you'd like to know more about the PCT, take a look at the PCT Association website linked below.

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